The sweetest flower that grows.
You may search everywhere,
But none can compare
With my wild Irish Rose.
Returning to this blog's roots, Brian picked up a bottle of another member of the Big Five of the streetwine crowd, Richard's Wild Irish Rose. It should be noted that I had severe reservations on drinking this one after the nightmare that became An Evening of Bumwine. Brian had left the bottle in the fridge for two days, as the back label on the bottle exclaimed "SERVE COLD" in big, bold letters. We had a couple cans of liquid courage to get the nerve up to drink this swill, and after selecting a couple Star Trek glasses, we sat down for the tasting.
First of all, I would like to make it clear that this keif is as wholly unnatural coloured as Strawberry Cisco, which led me to believe this would be less like "wine" and more like a chemical laced carcinogen cocktail. After pouring two glasses the smell of this hooch filled the room with its disgusting odour. Not a good start at all. The liquid is clear and a near-flourescent red. Further inspection of the label concluded this was being passed off as "grape wine with citrus spirits" and had a abv of 17%. Throwing all caution to the wind, we tipped our glasses and drank. The sickly sweet taste of this stuff was reminscent of cough syrup. It didn't taste like grape wine at all and the flavour was obviously there to hide something much more sinister. Furthermore, while MD 20/20 "Red" actually tasted like wine, Wild Irish Rose did not even try to trick you into thinking this was actually made from fermented grapes. The "red" splashed prominently on the label is not an actual flavour or indication of this bottle's contents. I would hate to see what the "white" version of this stuff would taste like without the "red" flavouring to cover it up. This stuff literally tastes like a chemical cocktail with plenty of sugar to cover up what it is really made from. I cannot even fathom the long-term effects would be of a stint with this Irish gal, nor even what a single bottle may do to you if consumed in one sitting. Seriously, if given the choice between living under a bridge and having Irish Rosie to look forward to every night or simply hanging myself, I'd choose suicide without a second thought. This one is to be avoided unless you really are curious what it is like to get plastered wino-style.
Wait a minute..wait a minute.. Brian said he in no way would do anything other than beer in the taste testing with you again. And now he actually bought the stuff? How did you convince him of this? LOL
I believe he only meant for the Liquor Pig Roadtrip to lovely Detroit, MI. He is secretly a bumwine fanatic! :)
That's right, he did say that. Did you buy the Detroit Lions while you were there? I hear they are cheap. A six pack and a pack of smokes.
0-16: So easy, the Lions can do it!
Did you stop drinking or something?
i know you might not believe this but here goes - i used to visit the richards winery in petersburg virginia (now closed after tornado strike). i had a friend that worked in the factory. in order to test the alcohol content a quart of this wine was heated and the distilate caught and measured with a hydrometer. the remaining fluid in the flask was all color, and flavor but alcohol free. we used to mix in an equal amount of water to what had been distilled out. then we rebottled the now alcohol free wine put on a new top. we would give it to one of the local bums. it was wild watching them get drunk after drinking it, knowing the wine was alcohol free.
That is just mean.
It's not a bum wine. For the money Obama doesn't steal its a poor persons wine. You must be a rich liberal to call a $6 bottle of 750 ml bum wine. Your a freakin liberal pig.
Fuck u asshole
Fuck u asshole
Ok, wow I can actually make a comment without giving them my bloodtype. Well I'm sitting here finishing off A bottle of Wild Irish Rose Red. I love the stuff. Can't wait till tomorrow cause the liquor store got 20% off. So I can obtain a cool 5 bottles of 750 for a 20 buck. No I am not a bum. I own acres of country land and have made a nice retirement nest for myself. Total utilities are a 20 buck. I was an tech/engineer and woodmans so I planed my retirement around less is more. If you think I'm look like a wino , well I'm built like a brick shit house and strong as an ox. I can split logs all day for fun. Got big garden and hens for eggs. Ginseng , up in the woods, Sasafrass root for spring tonic and leaves for gumbo. This semi-off grid life is easy if you got the guts. Anyhow back to this wonderous beverage. Look I make my own dark beer and blackberry wine with champagne yeast. It gets the spirits where I like it. I was surprised that you wine dudes think that the Rose is poison. I try them good wines and they taste like vinegar to me. I use them to cook. Oh, I also liked Thunderbird but the local doesn't sell it anymore. Maybe cause I live out in the sticks. Anyhow nice talking and Thanks.
I'm one half bottle into The I, it tastes better than Night Train though less like wine slightly less chemical flavor than The 20/20. If you consider this more as a liquor an nearly 40 proof its not that bad. Taste 2 out of 5 stars, Budweiser being 2.5 and 2 bux chux being 3. The buzz is there, and lets face it if you are drinking this stuff that's what you are drinking this for. Yer probably still better off with the chuck but if you dont like the taste of real wine this stuff aint so bad, i feel A-O-K about being unemployed with a girlfriend in a cult right now. So if yer life is F'd and you want to get tossed on the cheep and real wine tastes bad, give this dreg a shot or like 4 glasses full and enjoy the headache I'm certain this amount of sugar and booze portend.
You must be a pussy I drink about a bottle and a half and that's not even to get fucked up
Spoken like an alcy dont worry though I'm right there with ya
I agree wild irish rose is good shit. Hell even george Jones made a song about it lol
Stay away from this shit man it's literally tearing up my kidneys
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